The City Church | Sundays 8:30AM, 10:00AM | Thursdays 7:00PM

New difficulty has arisen in recent weeks neighboring the tragic news in Colorado. How catastrophic it is to see so many guiltless people go through such heartache and pain. Even more, to see a young person participate in such a fatal act. Throughout the widespread mourning for families that have so innocently been torn open from the outside in, we also, as the light of the world, need to answer such ambiguous questions presented by those looking for answers. While many are so distraught and confused to know what biblical perspectives can draw from this calamity, I look to the book of Matthew, chapter 24 where the Bible says,

“And many will turn away from me and betray and hate each other. And many false prophets will appear and will deceive many people. Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be saved. And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come.”

The unfortunate part of this statement is that the hearts of many will continually grow cold with no respect for life or the sanctity of the very existence of mankind. Deception will rise, betrayal will become more standard and people will have a greater propensity to hate one another without any rational subjectivity. Such disconcerting news. But Jesus went on to deliver, what I believe, every Christian should adhere to each day of their lives. His word says, “The one who endures to the end will be saved!” AND goes on to state that the Good News shall be preached! Thanks you Jesus for His Good News! There are a couple buoyant points that I want to face though this misfortune.

1. The evil behavior of one can’t shake the relationship you have with Christ. Don’t allow a hurt, lost, or impaired individual guild your walk with God. Instead allow it to reinforce your dependence on Him. Just because one person commits such a heinous thing, doesn’t mean all hope is gone and the world is falling apart. The bible says, “Do not be conquered by evil, but conquer evil by good.” Each day, remember this – there will be evil things that will inherently move stealthily into your life and the lives of others around us, but remember Jesus comes to return what the enemy came to kill, steal, and destroy!

2. Pray for the offended AND the offending. This maybe one of the hardest tasks given to us as a body of believers. But the bible says, “If we cannot pray for the worst among us, how are we like Christ?” (Matthew 5:44). Never overwhelm your mind with the same evil egotistical thoughts that run through the very psyche of the wicked that placed such anguish on you. The Jerry Sandusky’ and the James Holmes’ of our world need Christ just as much as anyone else, and it is our job to pray and believe God for their lives. In the same notion, believe God for the affected and trust that His promises will endure in their lives during such a desperate time.

Amidst all this, you and I need to take refuge in the glorious truth that righteousness will prevail in the end! The dark night might rise for a time, but a greater light is coming; a light that can be seen by all, a light that shines through all hopelessness and despair. As the story of the disaster in Colorado plays out over the next year or years, the same story will be played out throughout the entirety of your life. How will you allow the events affect you on a personal level? I pray that you will serve Him with all of your heart and proclaim with me, that wonderful story of Jesus Christ. The world needs some Good News right now. You and I are the ones that are called to deliver it.