The City Church | Sundays 8:30AM, 10:00AM | Thursdays 7:00PM

Our Family’s Challenge

As a Pastor, I am faced with challenges every day.  My heart is always sensitive to the needs of the precious people that may or may not be a part of my immediate surroundings.  It could possibly be someone within our church family or a stranger that we encounter who...

Friendly Fire

Friendly fire is an attack by a military force on friendly forces while attempting to attack the enemy; either misidentifying the target as hostile, or due to errors or inaccuracy. Such attacks often cause injury or death. And if you have lived long enough, you will...

My Trip To Israel

Truth be told, my wife Patti was a little worried about me traveling over seas in lieu of my recent hospitalization, but the doctors confirmed it was acceptable for me to travel and I was taking every cautionary step to insure my health would be in great standing! And...

The Beginning Of Something New

Today, as we enter into the beginning of something new for you and your family, I want to enable you to live out your best year yet.  See folks, my desire is to help you start your year in an atmosphere (spiritually & physically) of blessing and favor.  I recently...

Thanksgiving 2013

At The City Church we know that one of the best parts of the holidays is sharing it with those you love. That’s why we are so privileged to be able to spend Thanksgiving giving back and making sure our community isn’t without or alone. We were able to ease some of the...