The City Church | Sundays 8:30AM, 10:00AM | Thursdays 7:00PM

Every time I go on a missions trip, The Lord makes sure I realize that He’s in control from the outset.  After receiving a call that our flight was cancelled 15min. before we were set to head to the airport, I spent 1.5 hours on the phone with the airline trying to investigate new ways to depart and get to Cork, Ireland.  Finally, we were able to rearrange our itinerary to take off to Europe at 6:10pm (almost 5 hours later than our original departure). He even used the airline representative to provide us with more accommodating seats – praise The Lord!  What the enemy meant for evil, God always turns it around for good…! 

After arriving in London, I experienced my usual security hold-up (I have an artificial hip that sets off the metal detecters) that led to a total luggage search, but again was followed by a divine appointment on the airline! What the enemy meant for evil, God always turns it around for good…! 

We all gathered in Cork, Ireland after almost 24 hours of travel time! We were graciously picked up in a bus where we disembarked to an apartment style housing unit (pictured below) at which  point we ate shepherds pie with potatoes, a little more on the fattening side for my new and enhanced holistic lifestyle, but nevertheless delicious! 

After eating quickly, I prepared for an evening service where I gave a message I recently spoke on entitled, “Thankfulness” (Listen Online Here).  I gave an alter call where many responded and God moved very mightily!  There is a culture of unthankfulness and ungratefulness all over the world. We need to reinvent our being to look for the good in every situation.  

After retiring to my room it was 10:32pm and still light out! Our wake up call was at 10am the next morning.

Thank you to everyone who helped make this trip possible.  We have already seen a great work of God and it’s only the first day! Stay tuned for more updates! Miss and love you all! 

**PLEASE offer your comments, questions, or well beings below! I am notified when you place them below and will be responding to you soon!